The founder of Goodcare AtHome Rehab identified a gap in therapy services that left her patients, who weren’t eligible to receive home health services, not confident when returning home after a hospitalization, rehab, or skilled nursing home stay. Some of those patients returned to the hospital or moved into the nursing home due to their unsuccessful transition home. Those who were able to remain home, did so with much struggle and assistance from family.
Goodcare AtHome Rehab bridges that gap!
At Goodcare AtHome Rehab, we want help you succeed in your transition home by providing in home outpatient physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. The focus of our treatment is transitioning the skills you learned during your inpatient stay to your home environment. We partner with hospitals, skilled nursing homes, rehab centers, and senior living facilities in their efforts to reduce readmission rates and increase successful transitions to home. Our team of therapists are devoted to providing in home outpatient therapy that makes your goals, our goals.
Contact us at (605) 231-2490 to learn more about our rehab to home services or to make a referral.