Hand Pain?
If you’re experiencing pain in your hands, you’re likely not alone. Many people have complaints of pain or discomfort in their hands, particularly more so,
If you’re experiencing pain in your hands, you’re likely not alone. Many people have complaints of pain or discomfort in their hands, particularly more so,
Communication is key to connecting with others. Are you having difficulties? We can help you Speak Out!® Goodcare AtHome Rehab offers Speech Therapy with Speak
Urine or bowel leakage? Sexual discomfort? Pelvic Pain? There are options to help! Pelvic floor muscles have many important functions that impact many areas of
Feeling the Irish luck this month? Recent research shows luck may not be needed to help increase survival odds in older cancer patients. Improving ambulatory
Live Long & Live Strong Did you hear? The CDC recently published that there has been a 30% increase in fall related death since 2007.
Several intricate systems of the body must combine to perform even the simplest of physical tasks. Yet, Sioux Falls occupational therapist Kendra Harms has chosen to focus her career
First Century Roman poet Juvenal once suggested people should pray for “mens sana in corpore sano” (a sound mind in a sound body) over power and wealth. While such relationships between the body
Is your glass half full? Do the clouds that fly above your world all have silver linings? Can you manage to find positive twists among
The stronger you are before surgery, the stronger you’ll be after. That’s the philosophy behind prehabilitation (or “prehab”), the process of improving strength and functional capacity before surgery through
When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, Goodcare AtHome Rehab owner Jill Gabbert says she often sees family members go through the various stages of grief. “They tend to
Every September during National Falls Prevention Week (Sept. 21-25, 2020), the Goodcare AtHome Rehab team joins other medical professions across the country in reminding Americans that falls are
While the current health crisis has highlighted a need for greater patient-centered flexibility when it comes to access to health care for all ages, occupational therapist Jill Gabbert identified a similar gap in